I was a teenage Satan worshipper - Whatevernights

⊆ domingo, mayo 10, 2009 by Pastillas Rosas | , . | ˜ 1 comentarios »


Heavy metal nation
Boys are pigs
(Lost hours)
The poppers song
Dream people
DRoP your gun!
Hands off the wheel
This boy can´t
War in Europe
Johnny from the dark side
Hags in black leather jackets
Happy hearts

Formato: Mp3
Calidad: 160 kbps

One Response to “I was a teenage Satan worshipper - Whatevernights”

  1. Victor Says:
    Que tal,la verdad no soy muy conocedor de la musica d tu blog,solo que en especial este disco me fascino,me gustaria que me recomendaras algo parecido

    te dejo el enlace de otro discos de
    I was a teenage Satan worshipper


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